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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cornhole Sessions - Wednesdays from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Program and Time.

We will be Play Cornhole Wednesday's at 6:30 PM 

(Arrive  by 6:20 for Chip Picking - Game and Team Selection).

Here are the Scores for Last Wednesday:

Cornhole Cancelled for Weather Forcast!

Here is how much fun this is:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cornhole Sessions - Tuesdays from 9:30AM - 10:30AM - Random Chips Competition - Scores shown on the TV

Weekly Agenda: 

Here are the Scores for Last Tuesday:

August 13th - No Session

More Games on Wednesday 6:30 to 7:30PM

Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

1. Each Player will pick a Chip from the Bag, it Indicates Game and Bag Color.


Here is how much fun this is:

September 19th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

September 12th 2023 - Tuesday ( No Sessions)

September 5th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

August 29th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

August 22nd 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

August 15th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

August 8th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - Random Chips Competition

August 1st 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - 11th Chips Competition

July 25th 2023 - Tuesday 


Corn Hole Playing - 10th Chips Competition

July 18th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 9th Chips Competition

July 11th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 8th Chips Competition

June 27th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 7th Chips Competition

June 20th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 6th Chips Competition

June 13th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 5th Chips Competition

June 6th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 4th Chips Competition

May 30th 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 3rd Chips Competition

May 23rd 2023 - Tuesday


Corn Hole Playing - 2nd Chips Competition

1. Each Player will pick a Chip from the Bag, it Indicates Game and Color.


2. The Winner and Scores of Game 1 are Posted.

3. The Winner and Scores of Game 2 are Posted.

4. Game 3 may include the losing team of Game 1 or 2 with the highest score.

5. The Winner and Scores of Game 3 are Posted.

6. Game 4 is between the 2 teams with the lowest winning score.

7. The Winner and Scores of Game 4 are Posted.

8. Game 5. is between the team with the highest winning score and the 

    Winner of  Game 4.

9. The Champion Team is Posted! 

May 16th 2023 - Tuesday


We need more players for teams of 2 players. Join us, this is fun.

Score posted on the TV.

May 9th 2023 - Tuesday


1. Corn Hole Playing

We need more players for teams of 2 players. Join us, this is fun.

Score posted on the TV.

Here is how much fun this is:

Video >Cornhole Playing - Tuesday's 10:00AM-11:00AM

May 2nd Only - At the Pavilion!

April 25th 2023 - Tuesday


1. Corn Hole Playing

We need more players for teams of 2 players. Join us, this is fun.

Score posted on the TV.

Here is how much fun this is:

Video >Cornhole Playing - Tuesday's 10:00AM-11:00AM

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

March 14th 2023 - Tuesday
Cancelled - Snow Day!

March 7th 2023 - Tuesday Cornhole Paying

February 28th 2023 - Tuesday
Cancelled - Snow Day!

February 21st 2023 - Tuesday


1. Ping Pong Doubles Game.

      Pat and Dawn VS Annie and Jerry  (Demonstration Game).

We need more players for teams of 2 players for Doubles Games.

2. "Hey Siri" Demonstration Cast to the TV.

3. Corn Hole Playing

We need more players for teams of 2 players.

Computer Issue Consulting by Appointment

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

February 14th 2023 - Tuesday

Agenda: Corn Hole Playing and Introduction of Playing Ping Pong 

Computer Issue Consulting by Appointment

Ping Pong Playing 

The Value of Ping Pong Playing for your Cognitive Thinking and Movement Skills has been Established so think about playing.

Corn Hole Playing:

With Live Scoring on the TV!

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

February 7th 2023 - Tuesday

Agenda: Corn Hole Playing and Computer Issue Consulting

With Live Scoring on the TV!

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

January 31st 2023 - Tuesday

 Agenda: Corn Hole Playing and Computer Issue Consulting

With Live Scoring on the TV!

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

January 24th 2023 - Tuesday

 Agenda: Corn Hole Playing

With Live Scoring on the TV!

We will Play and have Coffee and Cake.

January 17th 2023 - Tuesday


     You will need your Computer and Smartphone for               this Session

       1. Reviewing  Google Calendar.  Add App to Phone.                                                 Seeing Contact Data posted - Birthdays and Anniversaries                                 Adding Events Appointments and Others with Notification. 

      2. Review other devices for Synced Changes.

      3. Review Smartphone for E-Mail, Phoning and Texting.

January 10th 2023 - Tuesday


     You will need your Computer and Smartphone for               this Session.

     1. Final Comments on Electric Supply Workshop on 

          January 3rd2023. Renewal process at the end of a Cycle.

       2. Contact Review current files you have on your                                   Smartphone. Check Syncing Settings on your Computer

       3. Consistent data- No all Caps or only lower case.

       4. Include as much data as possible.                                                       First Name and Last Name.                                                                   Telephone Numbers (Cell Listed First).                                                  E-Mail Addresses.                                                                                    Addresses.                                                                                              Birthday and Anniversary.

       5. Sharing Contacts by Smartphone and Computer.

       6. Reviewing  Google Calendar.                                                                 Seeing Contact Data posted - Birthdays and Anniversaries               Adding Events Appointments and Others with Notification. 

       7. Review other devices for Synced Changes.

       8. Review Smartphone for E-Mail, Phoning and Texting.

January 3rd 2023 - Tuesday


      You can just come if not a Regular at the Computer Sessions.

      1. Changes for Electric Supply on January 1st 2023.

      The Rates are doubling.

I currently have mine with Town Square until Feb 2023 at 8.97 cents.

Here is the Web Site for shopping other rates:

These are the best Current ones about double my Town Square Rate.


     2. We will discuss, search the various choices and for 
            those who want to proceed - Sign up with a different Supplier.