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Friday, November 25, 2011

Computer Group Meeting November 29, 2011

Here is the Agenda for this week.

1. Updating AVG Free 2011 to AVG Free 2012 (Virus Protection) for your Personal Laptop and Senior Center Laptops.

2. Installing the SC Network 8500 printer (with Disk) on your Laptop and SC Laptops. 

3. Updating Adobe Reader and Windows 7.

4. Resolving computer issues and Q & A session.

5. Discussing future sessions.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Computer Group Meeting November 22, 2011

Session 2 on "Word 2007"

1. Install the BWSC network printer on your Laptop.
2. Change your Browser to "Explorer".
3. Follow the online training on the screen for "Create your 
    First Document".
4. Change your Browser back to "Google Chrome".
5. Do Exercise 3 on pages 11 and 12 in the Manual
6. Make a Letter Head with a picture.
7Do Exercise 4 on pages 13 and 14 in the Manual and
    Create your own letter or one from a previously saved letter. 
8. Print your letter.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Computer Group Meeting November 15, 2011

Tuesday 11/15/2011              10:00AM         12:00Noon     

Session 1 on "Word 2007"
1. Review Tabs- Home, Insert and Layouts.
2. The Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraphs and Styles.
3. Documents.
4. Save As.
5. Files.
6. Headers and Footers.
7. The new Help Tab.

Tuesday 11/22/2011              10:00AM         12:00Noon     

Session 2 on "Word 2007"

1. Do Exercise 3 on pages 11 and 12 in the Manual 
2. Create your own letter from a previously saved letter. 
3. Follow the online training on the screen for "Create your 
    First Document".
4Do Exercise 4 on pages 13 and 14 in the Manual and
    Create your own letter from a previously saved letter. 
4. Make a Letter Head with a picture.
5. Installing the S.C. printer and printing your letter.

Checkout the Manuals and Programs at >>

The Computer Group

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Election Day

No Computer Class.

Please Vote!