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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Computer Group Session Tuesday May 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st, at 10:00AM

Session Plan for Tues: May 31st
We will continue working on "Excel" files this week starting at 10:00AM.

Art's presentation plan last Tuesday should have made you familiar with various features of Excel and how to use them. He did an "Excellent Job" explaining the important things to know.

On May 17th we converted a (CSV) (Comma Separated Value) into an (XLS) file and started editing it. We will continue editing our newly created  "Computer Group List" and finalize it using our new skills.

We will also edit the the "Monthly Budget" file.
Both of the files and two excerps from Excel Tutorials will be included in this week's Email.

Session Plan for Tues: May 24th
We will continue working on an "Excel" files this week starting at 10:00AM.
Art has a plan to make you familiar with various features of Excel and how 
to use them.

The following may be covered as useful.Here is a topic list for next week for the Session.

Cell Data

General Text, Numbers, Currency and Dates


Row Heights, Column Widths, Hide and Unhide


Addition, Subtraction, Division, and Multiplication
We will spend time on "Copy and Paste".

You need to know that a copy of a formula copies the formula, not the data. We will show you how to copy a formula, and point out how it works. Modifying the formula with dollar signs to make use of constants is also important.
If we are able to make these points, understanding will be easier. 

The "Excel file" from last week may be updated and another "Budget.xls file will be featured for review and possible editing.

Session Plan for Tues: May 17th

We will start working on an "Excel" file this week starting at 10:00AM.
Many of you have never used this powerful software package and may
find it useful for you. 

The "Excel Manual" will be featured for review.

This Session will cover basics.

No Session Plan for Tues: May 10th

Region 12 School Budget Vote. 

Session Plan for Tues: May 3rd

We will continue working on "Pictures" this week starting at 10:00AM.
The useful parts of our "Managing Pictures Manual" will be featured 
as part of the Session on keeping your pictures under control.

Setting Up Folders

When you are organizing your pictures, you will first need to set up a hierarchy of folders similar to that of a file drawer system.  This is very easy in Windows 10.  First you need to open up your "My Pictures" folder.

 You can find this by double-clicking on the "Pictures" folder in Windows Explorer to show the folders under it (i.e., included in it).  These will usually be "My Pictures" and "Public Pictures". 

We will focus on "My Pictures".  This will show all the pictures and/or folders already in this folder.   You can add new folders in the "My Pictures" folder by right-clicking to open up a menu, putting the arrow over “New” in the menu, and left-clicking on “Folder” in the sub-menu that comes up.  A new folder will then appear on the screen with the title "New Folder" highlighted.  Just begin typing the desired title for this folder (no need to put the cursor in the box) and then push the "Enter" key on the keyboard to title this new folder appropriately. 

Continue adding as many folders as needed.  You can double-click on any folder to open it up and then add new folders in that folder, using the same technique.  This is the way to build up a hierarchy of folders.

A good example of folders you can use to organize pictures is shown below:

Family #1
Family #2
Asia Cruise 2012
Celtic Tour 2013
Danube Cruise 2014
Eastern Europe Tour 2005
Hawaii Cruise 2010
Holland 2010
Gulf Cruise 2006
Natural Bridge Visit 2009

Moving or Copying Files

Once you set up a system of folders, you will need to move pictures already in your "My Pictures" folder or in other less useful folders (such as folders labeled only with a date) into folders appropriately titled.  There are several ways to do this, but the safest way is the "right-click" method. 

Find the picture you want to move and right-click on it.  This will bring up a menu that includes, among other things, "Cut" and "Copy".  If you left-click on "Cut", it will move the picture into the Clipboard (a temporary storage device in Windows).  If you left-click on "Copy", it copies the picture into the Clipboard, leaving a copy of the picture behind.  Choose the one that works best for you, but remember that always using "Copy" will clutter your folders. 

Then move the pointer over the folder you want to move the picture to.  Then right-click on that folder.  A menu will come up that includes "Paste", among other things.  Left-click on "Paste", and that will move the picture from the Clipboard into the folder.  You can move or copy a contiguous group of pictures all at the same time by first "selecting" them all before performing the move or copy as described above.  To "select" them, find the first picture in the contiguous group and left-click on it.  Then hold the "Shift" key down and push the "→" key as many times as needed to highlight all the pictures you want to move or copy.  You can go down several rows if needed. You will see the highlighting progress as you push the "→" key.  If you go too far, you can push the "←" key to move back.  Be sure to hold the "Shift" key down until you finish the "Selecting" process.  Then release the "Shift" key and proceed with the copy or move process, using the "right-click" method described above. 

If, at any time, you wish to un-select the pictures, just left-click on any blank space in the folder.  Continue doing this until all your pictures are properly located.  This will probably result in some folders that are no longer needed, since they are not usefully titled.  It is best to delete them to simplify your system of picture folders.  If they contain copies of pictures that are in appropriately titled folders, these picture copies can be deleted along with the unneeded folders.           


Vacation Folders:

Asia Cruise 2012 – Bangkok

Celtic Tour 2013 – Scottish Lake Scene

Danube Cruise 2014 – Budapest

Eastern Europe Tour 2005 – Fence (Auschwitz)
 Galloping Horses

Hawaii Cruise 2010 – Honolulu Hotel

Holland 2010 – Alsmeer Flower Auction

Gulf Cruise 2006 – Cruise Ship

Natural Bridge Visit 2009 – Natural Bridge

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Computer Group Session Tuesday April 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, at 10:00AM

Session Plan for Tues: April 26th

There will be no meeting on April 26th because of the Primary Voting. 

Session Plan for Tues: April 19th

We will continue working on "Pictures" this week starting at 10AM with Photo Gallery. Editing and enhancing pictures will be featured.
We will then do the same using Picasa and discuss the features of each.

Session Plan for Tues: April 12th

We will then really  work on Tip 3 this week starting at 10AM, so bring your Camera or Smartphone and the wire to attach it to your Laptop. Take some extra pictures to download to your Laptop and be ready to name a folder to put them in. 

  Tip 3 Downloading Camera Pictures 

Session Plan for Tues: April 5th

This Session will continue with your "Questions" and Art asking you "Questions" about Windows 10 or other subjects you may want to learn that interest you and the Group.

We will then learn additional uses for the "Snipping Tool" such as:   1. Copy without saving.   2. Pen a note on the Snip.   3. Highlight a line.   4. Erase notes.   5. You can Snip a Drop Down list with the timer.
We will then work on Tip 3, so bring your Camera or Smartphone andthe wire to attach it to your Laptop.