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Monday, November 17, 2014

Computer Group Session Tuesday December 2nd 2014 at 10:00AM- Sarting Over - Computer Basics

Many of you may not have participated in our Basic Computer Session.

Sometimes an Introduction or Review of Things helps. 

We can all learn from this Session. 

Click on the next line for the Manual.

Computer Basics - Introduction to Computers

1. Start and shut down the windows operating system.

2. Become familiar with the desktop and the parts of 
    a window.

3. Control the size of a window and minimize to the 

4. Use and master the mouse to start and close 

5. Review common computer terminology.

6. Learn how to use menus.

7. The Yellow Mouse Exercise.

8. The Taskbar.

9. Mouse Fundamentals.

10. The Keyboard.

11. Mousercisor Exercise.

12. Highlight, Copy and Paste.

13. Solitaire.