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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Computer Sessions for January and February 2017 at 10:00AM

February 28th
No Session -Voting

February 21st
The last Session for February will be a Workshop. There will be no Session on the 28th due to the State Senate voting.

Several members have said they want to set up a Gmail account and transfer their Contacts to that account. Please review and edit your current contacts so they will be correct in your new account.


1. Create a Gmail account for those wanting to do that.
2. Import contacts from an old or other account. 
3. Import Computer Club contacts from  PW centerlt1
    (Can be to a non gmail A/C).
4. Set up Groups of Contacts for mailing.
5. Install Photo Gallery or Picasa for those missing it.
6. Make Photo Gallery or Picasa Default App instead of M/S Photos.

February 14th
The Third Session of "Photos" the Workshop to create your own Super Slideshow.

is next Tuesday The Scans of Photos and Importing to their 1Project Folder will be completed.

We will begin the Session with a Question and Answer Period with Art and Jerry.

Bring your Questions and we will discuss how t resolve them.

1.  All Editing- "Cropping, Auto-Enhancing and Adjustment will be completed in 
     Photo Gallery.

2. When complete we will evaluate how the pictures now look in "Picasa" 
    and "Photos" software.

3. If the Group wants to continue, we will transfer the Project pictures into 

    "Movie Maker" or another App to add Text and Music. 

February 7th
The Session cancelled for the Ice Storm (Senior Center Closed).

January 31st
The Second Session of "Photos" Workshop to create your own Super Slideshow.
is next Tuesday The 6 Attendees completed the Scans of Photos and Importing to their 1Project Folder.

If you were not here 2 weeks ago, you can complete the 17th's work easily since both printers will be available to you this week. You can also work at home.

 Vol 14 Scan Old Pictures to a Flash Drive

The Group from 2 weeks ago will add more pictures from other folders on their computer  and get ready to continue the Agenda.


5.  All Editing- "Cropping, Auto-Enhancing and Adjustment will be done in 
     Photo Gallery.
6. When complete we will evaluate how the pictures now look in "Picasa" 
    and "Photos" software.
7. If the Group wants to continue, we will transfer the Project pictures into 
    "Movie Maker" or another App to add Text and Music.

January 24th
Agenda: Session cancelled due to Weather.

January 17th
The Start of "Photos" Workshop to create your own Super Slideshow.
We will proceed with the creation over at least 3 Sessions.


1. Bring at least 25 old printed Photos to Scan to a Flash Drive.
2. Take or be able to select from your Smartphone or Camera pictures 
    to add to your project.
3. We will create a new picture folder called 1Project
4. The Flash Drive, Smartphone and Camera photos will be imported to the
     1Project Folder using "Photo Gallery".
5.  All Editing- "Cropping, Auto-Enhancing and Adjustment will be done in 
     Photo Gallery.
6. When complete we will evaluate how the pictures now look in "Picasa" 
    and "Photos" software.
7. If the Group wants to continue, we will transfer the Project pictures into 
    "Movie Maker" or another App to add Text and Music.

January 10th
The review of Microsoft "Photos" Software in Windows 10 will continue.


1. Collection- All Photos sorted by Date.
2. Albums:
      Camera Roll
      Saved Pictures
      Screen Shots
      Last Import
3. Folders:
      File Explorer (On Hard Drive).
      One Drive (On Cloud)

4. Editing
5. Auto Enhancement.
6. Cropping.
7. Microsoft Account (Bring your PASSWORD)
8. Sharing Pictures (Large amounts too)

We now have 3 Photo Editing Software programs and we should utilize the best feature of each of them.

January 3rd

The month of January will be for - Learning to use Microsoft "Photos" Software in Windows 10.

We will start by postioning the Photos App on our computer where you want to access it from.

1. Start Section.
2. Taskbar.
3. As an Icon.

We will download pictures from your phone or digital camera (Bring the USB wire to connect to your computer) using the revised procedure shown in Tip Vol 10.
The Photos don't need to be newly taken.

Print Vol 10 at home and bring it to the Session.

Vol 10 Downloading Smartphone Pictures to Win 10 Photos