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Friday, March 4, 2011

Computer Group Meeting March 8th at 10:00 AM

This meeting will 
 be: One on One with Questions and Problem Solving.

There will be no Projector setup this week.

1. Adrienne is gathering the small group to continue G-Mail Instruction an Practice. This was very positive last week.

2. Anyone who had updating problems on their home Laptop for (Windows7 Service Pack 1) should do it now. Some updaters had problems.

3. Vivian has the New Typing Software installed in the Computer Room. She needs a volunteer to try working the program.Someone who cannot type and could learn this way) Please E-mail Vivian at

4. Art is doing a one-on one with Blanch on Excel software. If interested join in.

5. Jerry will be setting Affixa up for E-Mailing from Yahoo in Photo Gallery for those wanting that.

Bring any other questions or problems and maybe we can solve them.