This meeting will
be: Typing the Mavis Beacon way on a Computer and One on One with Questions and Problem Solving.
There will be Projector setup this week. Please help with the setup at 9:30
Vivian will Demo the new Typing Software and Jerry will be her first Student. (Old 1 & 2 finger Louie)
1. Adrienne will continue the small group to continue G-Mail Instruction and Practice.
2. After Jerry demonstrates his lack of Typing skills, step up and try it. Typing lessons on a computer using
several different exercises can be fun. Get interested join in.
3. Everyone needs to add their name to the sign up sheets at the front desk whether a Student or Coach.
After your name indicate:
M - Monday
T - Tuesday
B - Breakfast
Wanda is running the attendance lists and Breakfast reservations.