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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Computer Group Activity for the Summer

Our weekly Computer Group meetings will continue on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM. to Noon.

All Seniors are welcome to attend as they desire. (No Experience Necessary)

Activity will consist of the following small groups (1 to 6) covering:
1.     Basic Fundamentals.
2.     G-Mail.
3.     Photo Gallery.
4.     Other Subjects will be added as necessary.

1.     Group of 1 or 2 with Laptops at a table in the Main Room.
2.     Group of 2 to 4 with Laptops and display on the TV in the Front Room.
3.     Group of 4 to 6 with Laptops and display on the TV in the Main Room.

The participants will continue the mastery of the mouse, practicing E-Mailing and managing Pictures and files.

 Coaches who have shown interest in leading these teaching sessions include Ed Wainwright, Adrienne Caruso, Jim Evans and Wanda Heaney. Certainly the smaller group or a one on one can be done by many more of our members in the Main Room. The goal will be to help improve computer skills.