Session 2 on "Internet" May 16th
1. Searching for People and Business addresses and
phone numbers.
2. Searching for Restaurants and Business locations.3. Finding NOAA, Epicurious and LL Bean.
4. Visiting different sites on the Net.
5. Setting up a Pay Pal Account.
6. How to Buy or Bid on E-Bay.
7. Security on the Internet.
Session 2 on "Word 2007" May 17th
1. Do Exercise 3 on pages 11 and 12 in the Manual
2. Create your own letter from a previously saved letter.
3. Follow the online training on the screen for "Create your
first Document".
4. Do Exercise 4 on pages 13 and 14 in the Manual and
create your own letter from a previously saved letter.
4. Make a Letter Head with a picture.
5. Installing a printer and printing your letter.
Start thinking of subjects for our weekly meetings starting next week and E-Mail me what you would like to review.