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Friday, February 13, 2015

Computer Group Session Tuesday February 17th 2015 at 10:00AM- Files and Folders-2

We will dedicate up to 15 min before the start of each Session for pre- submitted questions.
So if you have a question, send it to me by Email and I will include it. 

This weeks Question:

Bring your questions to the meeting and Art will show you how to solve problems.

The answer will be a demonstration so come and see how.

We will continue working on on Files and Folders this week.
This Session will be actually doing the transaction on the computer instead of just listening to how to do it. You are more likely to be able to do it on your own after having done it.

The Session will include:
1. Moving Flies.
2. Moving Folders.
3. Copy and Paste to another Folder.
4. Locating lost files.
5. Other Actions.

             Click     File Management