I will dedicate up to 15 min before the start of each Session for pre- submitted questions.
So if you have a question, send it to me by Email and I will include it.
This weeks Question:
Another lovely winter day in CT! So, I am trying to understand the Excel Program and my question for you next Tues is "If I make columns, how do I get them to go from Page One to Page Two?" I tried and on the computer, it looked fine but, when I printed it out, the columns across went unto two pages. Hard to explain - I'll bring it with me on Tues.
Thank you very much.
The answer will be a demonstration of how, so come and see how.
Senior Center Home Page Review
1. This weeks programs.
2. Coming Soon.
3. What are Tips and Tricks.
4. Do we have Manuals.
1. Become familiar with the Google windows.
2. Display and work with the search function.
3. Use the Maps function for addresses or problems.
4. Learn how to purchase a book on Amazon.com.
Web Sites of Interest
1. Travel Search Sites.
2. Airline Sites.
3. Good Deal Sites.
4. Special Deal Sites.