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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Computer Training Sessions Feb 28th 2011

This meeting will be: One on One with Questions and Problem Solving.
There will be no setup this week.

1. Adrienne is gathering a small group to continue G-Mail Instruction an Practice.
2. Service and software updating on the Laptops. (Windows7, Adobe and AVG)
3. Picture file management.
4. Wireless printer grouping for Laptops LT4, LT6, LT7 and LT9 by Art.
5. Setting Affixa for E-Mailing from Yahoo in Photo Gallery for those wanting that.

Bring any questions and maybe we can solve them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Computer Meeting Feb 22nd at 10:00 AM

Don't Miss this one! All Invited!

E-Mailing with G-Mail.

1. Signing in
2. Composing an E-Mail.
3. Using To, CC, and BCC.
4. The Text Section.
5. Checking the Spelling and Reading.
6. Reply and Forwarding.
7. The Trash folder.
8. Contact Groups.
9. Deleting E-Mail. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meetings of Monday February 14th and February 15, 2011

Session 2 on "Internet" Feb 14th

1Searching for People addresses and phone numbers.
2. Searching for Restaurants and Business locations.
3. Finding NOAA, Epicurious and Panera Bread.
4. Visiting different sites on the Net.
5. Setting up a Pay Pal Account.
6. How to Bid on E-Bay.

Session 1 on "Word 2007" Feb 8th

1. Open the "Press Release" Doc and Insert the "Senior Center" picture on
    line 1.
2. Shrink and Center the picture.
3. Highlight the first two lines of text- Set as Header 3, Italics and with a Blue

4. Close the file and don't save.
5. Follow the online training on the screen for "create your first Document.
6. Do Exercise 3 on pages 13to 15 in the Manual.
7. Create your own letter from a previously save letter. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meetings of Monday February 7th and February 8, 2011

Session 1 on "Internet" Feb 7th

1Concept of a Google Search.
2. Using Maps.
3. Searching for Business and People addresses and phone numbers.
4. Visiting different sites on the Net.
5. Purchasing on Item on a Web site.
6. Using E-Bay and Pay Pal.

Session 1 on "Word 2007" Feb 8th

1. Review Tabs- Home, Insert and Layouts.
2. The Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraphs and Styles.
3. Documents.
4. Save As.
5. Files.
6. Headers and Footers.

7. The new Help Tab.