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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Computer Sessions March 25th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  'Question'  

This Session is to answer Questions you may have. Send me an E-mail 
describing your Question for the Panel.

We are also looking for suggestions for topics for future Sessions.
Anyone want to present a Session on any Topic?
We have lot's of open time in the Spring/Summer.

     Date  Day Group Member Time Subject Table Panel
3/25/2014   Tue
2hr Question Forum Round Jerry Ronan
Blanche Bailey 1. E-Mail Pictures Art Azevedo
Carol Enright 2. Video Sound Blanche Bailey
Wanda Heaney 3. Printerest Carolyn Fisher
Shirley Siana 4. Flash Dr/DVD Jim Evans
Liz Gaffney 5. Transfer Pics .
. 6. Pics to Folders .
. #7 .
. #8
. #9
. #10

1.  I had a bit of trouble moving Mary Sullivan's pictures around from email into Photo Gallery.  Art solved the problem for her while I was working with Wanda, so some time between now and May someone needs to go over that with me.

2. When watching a video can you make it louder ? It is as loud as it can go.
Also the steps to putting a YouTube video app on my computer?

3. How does pinterest work?

4. Last Tuesday I scanned thirty-five coloured photos.  When I placed the flash drive in my computer, I could not find the scanned coloured photos.   HELP.

5. How to place photos on a flash drive to a DVD.  
6. How to separate photos selections on the same flash drive.

Computer Sessions March 18th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/18/2014  TueNoella English2hrPhoto ScansOneBlanche Bailey
Wanda HeaneyScan/Edit
.Old Pictures

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/18/2014  TueLiz Gaffney2hrPicasaTwoCarolyn Fisher
Shirley SianaCrop
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/18/2014  TueJane Storrs2hrPhoto GalleryThreeArt Azevedo
Dan StorrsCrop
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/18/2014  TueBetty Zeigler2hrPhoto GalleryFourJim Evans
Jim Rooney
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/18/2014  TueJim English 2hrPhoto GallerySixJerry Ronan
Yoriko McClureCrop.

Computer Sessions March 11th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/11/2014  TueJane Storrs 2hrWorkshopSix/TVJerry Ronan
Dan StorrsScanning to .Blanche Bailey
Wanda HeaneyFlash Drive  .Noella English
Joyce ROld PicturesCarolyn Fisher
Betty ZeiglerCropping
Yoriko McClure
Jim Rooney
Liz Gaffney

Computer Sessions March 4th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

  Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/04/2014  TueJim Rooney2hrG-MailOneBlanche Bailey

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/04/2014  TueJim English2hrFile SavingTwoCarolyn Fisher
.Flash Drives

     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/04/2014  TueNoella English2hrPicturesFourJim Evans
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
3/04/2014  TueMarcine Crowhurst2hrWorkshopSix/TVJerry Ronan
Liz GaffneyI-Phone .Art Azevedo
Carol EnrightI-Pad  .
Vivian Wolf


Computer Sessions February 25th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  Tue.2hrM/S WordTwoCarolyn Fisher

     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  Tue.2hrTutoringFourJim Evans
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  Tue2hrWorkshopSix/TVBlanche Bailey
.Face to Face.Art Azevedo
.Google Hangout  .Jerry Ronan

Computer Sessions February 25th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  TueShirley Siana2hrM/S WordTwoCarolyn Fisher
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  TueBlanche Bailey2hrScanningThreeJerry Ronan
Noella EnglishOld Pics
2 OnlyTo Flash Drive
.Dev Tip/Trick
for Workshop 
on March 11th
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  TueLiz Gaffney2hrPicturesFourJim Evans
Vivian Wolf
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/25/2014  TueMarcine Crowhurst 2hrWorkshopSix/TVArt Azevedo
Jim EnglishFiles/Folders .
Jim RooneyDeleting  .
.Cleaning up PC 

Computer Sessions February 11th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/11/2014  TueJim English2hrG-MailTwoCarolyn Fisher
Liz GaffneyRefresher
Wanda HeaneyQ/A
Carol Enright
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/11/2014  TueNoella English2hrMS ExcelSix/TVArt Azevedo
Yoriko McClureFormulas
Blanche BaileyQuestions/
Barbara RippsAnswers

     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/11/2014  TueMarcine Crowhurst2hrWorkshopThreeJerry Ronan
Jim RooneyMovie Making .
Betty ZieglerVideos  .

Computer Sessions February 4th, 2014

To sign up –Email your  choice to

  Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/04/2014  TueNoella English2hrSocial MediaOneBlanche Bailey
Jim EnglishFacebook
Rosemary H

   Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/04/2014  TueWanda Heaney2hrFile SavingTwoCarolyn Fisher
.Flash Drives

     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/04/2014  Tue.2hrPicturesFourJim Evans
     Date DayStudentTimeSubjectTableInstructor
2/04/2014  TueVivian Wainwright 2hrWorkshopSix/TVJerry Ronan
Liz GaffneyI-Phone .
Marcine CrowhurstI-Pad  .
Jim RooneyQ/A 
Betty Zeigler
Yoriko McClure
Dianne Lastoria
John Sinnock
