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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Computer Group Meeting November 1, 2011

Cancelled 10/31/11
Hi Gang,
We will start the meeting by creating several videos using my camera and adding them to my "Computer Class" folder.
The folder will be copied to a flash drive and the added to each computer being used for class.
We can then produce a "Movie" with pictures, videos and some audio.
This should be fun!

Tuesday 11/01/2011              10:00AM         12:00Noon     

Session 2 on "Movie Maker"

1.  Select all the "Pictures" and "Videos" from the "Computer Class " folder after we add the videos.
2. Add the "Title" - Computer Training in Bridgewater.
3. Using the "Credits" feature, enter your name, other members and anything 
      else you want listed at the end
4. Play your "Movie" as you continue editing.
5. Trim the video (Page 14) if necessary to perfect.
6. Use "Save As" and name your Movie.
7. E-mail to someone if you like. We may do this later.
8. Burn a DVD.