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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Apr 1st to Aug 31st Spring and Summer Computer Meetings

Spring/Summer Schedule 2015

We will have one special session per month. The other weekly
Meetings will be social and problem solving.

As a result of the April 28 meeting we will come to the Center on Tuesdays (when we can) to gather our pictures and organize them into a "Special Folder" for use in creating a Super Slide Show during the month of September.

 Each week we will plan how to use the time in the summer to be ready to create a Super Slide Show DVD in the Fall program being planned.

If you are coming on this Tuesday, bring your printed pictures.  and continue scanning.
If you have questions or need help planning for September bring them too.
Our goal is to have a "Picture Folder" ready on a DVD with all the enhanced pictures to use in your participation in the creation of a Super Slideshow DVD at our 4 September Sessions. 

Each week we will plan how to use the time in the summer to be ready to create a Super Slide Show DVD in the Fall program showned on the last line of this E-Mail. (Click on it)

The Workshops below will help in this Plan as we go forward.

If you want to get started on this, come on Tuesdays with your ideas.

The Workshops below will help in this Plan as we go forward.

These are the things to think about.
1. Will my pictures come from photos that must be scanned.
2. Can I arrange them in the order for the Slide Show before scanning.
3. The scanned pictures can be enhanced for brightness and cropping with 
    Photo Gallery or Picasa.
4. Can I select pictures from my computer and move and enhance them.
5. Will I ask others to send pictures to me to include by Email or Photo.

If you want to get started on this, come on Tuesdays with your ideas.

Session will be on “Copying Old Pictures to a Flash Drive”
Using Flash Drives with the BWSC Scanner.
Picture Management and Editing with Photo Gallery.

June 9th 
June 9th...Working with Pictures and a DVD-R
Session will be using DVD-R disks as a "Flash Drive" while 
working with pictures. 

August.....No Workshop Scheduled this Month